Scott Covert - 
Old School Internet Marketing
Since 1997
Call Me: 

If you need IMMEDIATE (1 month or less) work done in Infusionsoft (Keap) or Clickfunnels for your business, please contact me asap.

I Need To Find ONE Person - That Needs Me To Do A Ton Of Back-End Work (Marketing, Strategy, Tech, Data, Products) - So That You Can Make More Money, Better Profit Margins, and Pay Me On Commission ... instead of paying me by the hour or by the job.

You Need To Have:

- a mostly sane and reasonable personality

- an understanding of math, and how much money will be needed paying for ads to figure out how to make a profit, and how much ongoing ad spend will be required to generate the income you (and I) want. 

For the love of God please don't let me spend 50-200 hours working on your business and then tell me you 
don't have money for advertising, software etc.

You also need the kind of unstoppable drive for success required to "make it" in an online business.

- you need to be the horse pulling the cart, while
    I push from behind and give directions

- if everything has to be "perfect" before you let me do
    any real-world promos, we can't work together

- if you think everything's always going to run
   smoothly, we can't work together. Automation is
   tricky, and it's an ongoing process of error
   correction, even for large online businesses

FREE Help For You Right NOW!

If you have any specific Infusionsoft or Clickfunnels challenges right now, contact me for some free help ... 705 749 2225 or scott (@)

The same goes for any strategic, advertising or technical problems that are hampering your progress right now.

What I've Done:

Tens of millions of American and Canadian dollars in sales for companies, since 1998, in stock trading strategies, commodities trading software, and tax planning, and more.

Plus some forays, over the last decade, into the empowerment and real estate industries.

My 3 biggest money-makers were commission-only deals where I committed a ton of work to my partners before I made a penny.

I hope to be able to do that again, but the realities have changed and I've become a little gun-shy since about 2010, so I'll likely ask for payment-for-services at the beginning of our relationship, after which my goal will be to work with you on commission only.

“Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70 percent of the info you wish you had. If you wait for 90 percent ... you're probably being slow.” - Jeff Bezos

I'm not one of those "coaches" or "consultants" who brag about signing up a whole lot of new "high end clients" every month. I honestly don't know what value those people are providing, if any.

I don't tell your employees what to do, or give plans and pep talks. I'm in the background doing the endless hours of actual work. 

I can also work to organize things on a macro level, having had the 360 view from inside of many businesses.

This is a video I made several years ago.
It's not perfect for this page, but it's still useful.

Use this form or email me:
scott (@)

I'm not going to ask for your phone # (yet) but you can call me if you want to, at 705 749 2225.

My specialty is taking the resources you already have (products and email list) and making immediate income, while improving your conversion rates from ads to leads, and from leads to sales ... then ramping up your business.

Your First Payment Is Crucial ... It Sets The Tone Of Our Working Relationship

If you can't pay me anything near the beginning of our relationship, that might be ok. Otherwise, there will be a payment due up front, and another when I've 70% to 90% completed a set of initial tasks (because nothing is ever 100% done ... you just reach a point where things start to come together, a point when you're ready to test, and a point when you're ready to pump the gas). The end goal is for you to pay me on a commission-only basis, which keeps me incentivized to innovate and keep your profits up.

If and when our relationship becomes an ongoing concern, I can pay you back your initial outlay against my commissions earned, over time.

My Old-School Mind

- I have weird sleep habits. You won't have access to me from 9 to 5 (although you will have a method to reach me in case of emergency, 24/7/365).

- I prefer to communicate by email most of the time (although I have spent 100's of hours on the phone with partners over the last 25 years)

- I love the old-school marketing tactics

- I'm extensively experienced in sales pages, video scripting, advertising, copy writing, webinars, product launch formula, Clickfunnels, Infusionsoft, email marketing, order forms, complex funnels etc.

Have You Tried Webinar Marketing But It Didn't Work?

Let me see your slide show, recording, invitation and emails and I'll see if I can make it profitable.


I Hate Competition

It's a lot harder today than it was 10 to 25 years ago to find an unexploited niche online - one without thousands of competitors.

And yet, that's what I want, ideally. To try very hard to find a business that actually has a new and unique advantage.

Marketers in mortgages, insurance and real estate are facing infinite competition.

Why Is This Page So "Weird"?

And ugly?

Well, in 1997 I published an Internet Marketing newsletter and I held a contest to find one single new business partner to work with. It was the best move I ever made. This page is just a 2021 version of that.

I'd fuss over this page if I intended to show it to thousands of people ... but I'm only looking for a maximum of one new partner every 3 to 6 months.

Another older video you may find useful - "Frank Kern Infusionsoft (Keap) Webinar Campaign Modifications"

Use this form or email me:
scott (@)

I'm not going to ask for your phone # (yet) but you can call me if you want to, at 705 749 2225.

Exit Strategy Service

Are you planning to sell your business? I can assemble a team to put your business in the best position for a great buy-out offer.

100% Free Consultation
Be assured, you're not charged anything to talk with me about your business.
Old School Marketing
Copywriting. Email. Funnels. Lead magnets. Irresistible offers. I use the "new stuff" when I have to.
Sign Up Today
Let's talk and see what happens. Couldn't hurt!
Copyright 2023 - Covert Consulting
Scott Covert
Peterborough Ontario Canada
705 749 2225
scott (@)
For old friends, business partners and relatives searching for me...
Scott Covert
Thomas A Stewart Secondary School 1980 - 1985
Scarborough College, University Of Toronto 1985 - 1989 (Psych. B. Sc.)
Peterborough Ontario Canada
705 749 2225
scott (@)
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